Dance Hall

7.8M X 11.8M – Standing 100 / Theatre 75

Our Dance Hall is home to a varitey of local groups from dance and karate to digital cafe and pilates. The large space is air conditioned and has mirrored walls on one side.

There is a large screen and sound system which can my used for music or video. You can also host hybrid events here using the large screen and sound system.

A PA is also available to hire with your booking for talks and events.

There is a share Kitchen on this floor which you have access to with your booking.

Dance Hall Room Rates 2024.2025

Irregular booking – £33.00 / Bi-Monthly or Monthly £27.20

Weekly – £23.90/ Weekly (3+ hrs per week) – £19.90

Discounts available for charity and community users, see the link to the full tarrif sheet below.